Counterfeit Cat is the story of an unconventional friendship between a naive kid alien destined to save the universe, and an anxious but vain housecat who’d prefer to save himself.
9-yr old Gark is an alien boy with a sweet, naive outlook, oodles of energy, and some wildly uncontrollable superpowers. Sent for training off-world, when Gark crash lands in the city, he mistakes vain, anxious but loving housecat Max for one of the bravest creatures in the universe: a tiger! Gark can’t believe his luck – he thinks Max can teach him to be a hero, because that’s what he’s going to need to be if he is to fulfil the ancient prophecy and save the universe.
The show was produced for Disney, and its unique look was created by Nick Edwards, a UK based first-time designer who Wildseed came across in the pages of Nowbrow magazine.
52 x 11' plus 11 x 2’ shorts
Children's Animation
Directed by
Ben Marsaud
Produced by
Sarah Mattingley
Marc Wootton, Alex Kelly, Kayvan Novak